Thursday, October 31, 2019

The difference Between U.S.A and Canada in Education and Culture Research Paper

The difference Between U.S.A and Canada in Education and Culture - Research Paper Example The education system is different from the British model. In an overall representation, the educational system of USA with respect to school and system of university binds the above characteristics (The American Education System). 2.2 Basic educational system The country’s education system is comprised of basic 12 years of education in the primary level and then in the high school level. High school level education is necessary for getting admission in the graduate colleges and universities or in some professional institutes and technical schools of the country (USA Education System). Foreigners receive immense opportunities to study in USA in the higher education. The criteria are simple and it does not also require 12 years of mandatory education from this country. Although this notion is not applied in a generalized manner and it has been found that different boards follow different norms. But despite that the facilities given by the American system is quite great and they can pursue their educational career in diverse fields of study (USA Education System). In USA specific fragmentation of educational system are primary schools to grade K-6, junior high school grades to grades of 7-9, senior high school which comprise of grade 10-12 (Education in the United States). 2.3 Schooling in USA Federal system of government predominate the United States of America. The country possesses local governance and it possesses no country level system of education and curriculum. The public schools in USA are not controlled by the federal government. Every state has their respective departments establishing various norms of the schools in those states. Every state allocates fund to the public schools. The public schools receive funding from the local property... This paper approves that the brief study of the paper gives a proper idea about the educational system of United States of America and Canada and also their cultural aspects. In both the nations education is valued at apex levels and it is regarded as a key driver for social development. In USA education is regulated by different states and in Canada, education is regulated by different provinces. In United States education is compulsory at the fundamental levels and is funded by the states while in Canada there is no such free provision. In USA, the constitution highlights mainly on the notion of liberty, life and pursuit of happiness. On the other hand, the Canadian constitution focuses primarily upon the notions of peace, order as well as good government. This paper makes a conclusion that the educational system of USA is more flexible than the Canadian educational system and offers a great variety of learning options, career opportunities and easy access. While on the other hand Canadian education provides a strict platform for the entry of the foreigners. Higher education is tougher in Canada as compared to USA as it has various strict yardstick of assessment. In the cultural forefront, Canada follows a particularist approach with a conservative and peace loving country keeping good relation with outsiders. The attributes of partnership is strong and they are found within their work culture. Regional culture is omnipotent in Canada. In USA, Universalist approach is followed and they overemphasize on the logical explanation and experimentation. In the work culture they follow an individualistic approach and hardly care about their colleagues.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Intellectual Property Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intellectual Property - Case Study Example Step I.   Understanding the situationStep I.   Understanding the situationA.   List and number the relevant facts, check whether the fact is an ethics or legal issue, identify potential harm.        Ã‚  Fact : Intellectual property right is significant in promoting creativity which in turn requires protection.                           Ã‚  Ethical: Its violation kills the spirit of innovation and is significantly unethical.   Legal : The law is clear that invading the intellectual property is punishable by imprisonment or fine Potential or resulting harm :Violation of such IPR is retrogressive to the society at large.                     B.   List the stakeholders involved.  The copyrights society, the government, artists and creative personalities.C.   Which of the above facts has a societal impact?  1. List the local (US) impact of the ethical dilemma.-Possible disagreement among the management team members-Possible disciplinary measures for the violators by the copyrights authorities.  2. List the Global impact of the ethical dilemma-It has cost the world a lot of money to the unscrupulous businessmen.-It has attracted strict patent, copyright and intellectual property rights regulations.Step II.   Isolating the major ethical dilemma.  A. Restate the primary ethical issue using the form:   Should someone do or not do something?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Growth Development And Industrial Policy Economics Essay

The Growth Development And Industrial Policy Economics Essay 1. Economic growth is the increase of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income, typically reported as the annual rate of change in real GDP. Economic growth is primarily driven by improvements in productivity, which involves producing more goods and services with the same inputs of labor, capital, energy and materials. Economists draw a distinction between short-term economic stabilization and long-term economic growth. The topic of economic growth is primarily concerned with the long run. The short-run variation of economic growth is termed the business cycle. The rate of economic growth is measured by the percentage increase in output over a 12 month period. Governments aim to achieve high levels of stable economic growth over the long term avoiding occurances such as recessions and periods of excessive short term growth which cannot be sustained. The situation in Britain, and throughout a large portion of the world at the moment, is a good example of how stable growth was not maintained. By not maintaing a constant level of aggregate demand, fluctuations will occur, moving the circular flow of income from a state of equilibirum to a state of disequilibrium this is a natural occurance within an economy, as a rise in aggregate demand demonstrates Economic Growth and vice versa. Unemployment will also fall in relation to growth, inflation rates are likely to rise, with the gap between exports and imports narrowing as consumer demand for less expensive forgein produced products increases and demand for domestically produced goods decreases. Benefits of Growth: Increased levels of consumption Avoidance of macroeconomic problems Redistribution of income to the poor Greater societal care for the environment In theory Growth should make people happier as income will be more evenly distributed, meaning everyone has more money to spend, improving quality of life the down side is that this may not actually happen, and none of the above improvements may actually occur. Costs of Growth Opportunity cost of growth Growth may simply generate extra demand Social effects and Enviornmental costs Shortage of Non-Renewable resources fossil fuels and minerals e.g. Distribution of Income rich get richer, poor get poorer? Changes in production people with basic skills may find they are no longer required, so without further education of training my no longer be employable. Should countries pursue their goals of economic growth? This is a decision to be made in relation to the benefits and costs involved, i.e. each countries situation will be different and their can be no difinitive yes or no answer. Economic development in its simplest form is the creation of economic wealth for all citizens within the diverse layers of society so that all people have access to potential increased quality of life. Job creation, economic output and increase in taxable basis are the most common measurement tools. Structural transformation, improving the quality and productivity of resources and improving the standard of living of a nations population, through sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy to a modern, high-income economy, are desireable goals for any government to try and achieve. Improving quality of life in turn relates to improving economic development would be enhanced, including the process and policies by which a nation enhances the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. 2. Public policy generally aims at continuous and sustained economic growth and expansion of national economies so that developing countries become developed countries. The economic development process supposes that legal and institutional adjustments are made to give incentives for innovation and for investments so as to develop an efficient production and distribution system for goods and services. In relation to developing countries, Economic Development can be interpreted in both a positive and negative manner. For example, the government of Sri Lanka has been consistant in their attempts to push the country towards economic development since the 1970s. Many different approaches have been taken, but a common theme of free market principles and structutal reform have been successful in keeping the plans for growth and development on track. Of course, there have been fluctuations these are fundamental for any country, let alone those in the developing world, pursuing such goals. Set backs such as political pressures, involving civil war and forgein investment, as well as a massive drought, have been hugely influential in the path of the countries progress. However, as a result of perseverance and a setting realistic short term goals, the successive governments have been fortunate to see positive developments, especially since 2002 when a ceasefire was signed between the govern ment and insurgent groups and the drought which has hampered development ended, allowing reliable power sources to be restored and the agricultural industry to lower their prices. Working in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) more targets were set for the 2003-2006 time period. Along with the new laws which were introduced, concerning areas such as tax and welfare reform, as well as investment deregulation, the country hope is to establish lasting peace through relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The fluctuations observed over this time period show clear examples of the negative and positive sides of growth and development, for example, the social effects displayed through the cival unrest and the environmental costs created by the droughts. On a more positive note, it can be seen the the distribution of wealth is becoming more even as a result of the reforms instigated in 2003. A level of health care is provided for free midwifey care is one such service now available, although many others such as blood transfusions are still very expensive. The government hope to influence and change this with their continued action through a number of key policies: 1) restoring fiscal sustainability, including raising revenues by 21/2% of GDP; 2) implementing structural reforms mainly involving deregulation and privatization; 3) creating opportunities for the poor to share more fully in the benefits of economic growth through improvements in infrastructure and education; and 4) garnering resources for reconstruction, including though donor assistance and government investments. Like many other industrialized nations of the West, the United Kingdom has sought to combine steady economic growth with a high level of employment, increased productivity, and continuing improvement in living standards. Attainment of these basic objectives, however, has been hindered since World War II by recurrent deficits in the balance of payments and by severe inflationary pressures. As a result, economic policy has chiefly had to be directed toward correcting these two underlying weaknesses in the economy The Conservative government elected in 1979 sought to reduce the role of government in the economy by improving incentives, removing controls, reducing taxes, moderating the money supply, and privatizing several large state-owned companies. This policy was continued by succeeding Conservative governments into the 1990s. The election of a Labour government in 1997 did not reverse this trend. Indeed, privatization is now widely accepted by most of the Labour Party (with the exception of the dwindling numbers of the wing of the party with strong ties to trade unions). The most important issue facing Britain in the early 2000s was membership in the European Monetary Union (EMU). Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair decided to opt out of EMU at its inception in 1998 and has promised a referendum on British membership. The opposition Conservatives oppose abandoning the pound and have the support of a majority of the British population on the issue. In June 2003, the chancellor of the exchequer stated that Britain was not yet ready to enter the euro zone, which made a referendum in the current parliament unlikely, at least until a new government would be seated in 2005. The government in 2003 devoted its attention on the domestic front to improving such public services as health, education, and transportation. Industrial Policy Industrial policy is a government funded program that encourages the public and private sector to create new technology which in time leads to economic growth. This new technology can be used to create new industries within the given country which in time can lead to greater levels of employment. It can also be used to save an industry that may be outdated or failing. The government run these programs in many ways. One way they can do it is by funding a private organisation to carry out the research. This funding can be through tax breaks or the organisation could be a direct subsidiary to the government. The programs could also be government run; this has less of an advantage as private organisations are usually in a better position to carry out this research. Does it work? Its not just established economic countries that have industrial policy either and it can be just as if not more important for newly formed industrial countries as well. This is due to the resources needed for economic growth, which at the start can be easy for a country to do. As it gets bigger it requires more and more resources in order to maintain this growth and without appropriate investment this would not be possible. The Korean government did this by offering financial incentives and reduced tax to organisations setting up in the country, whilst this has worked well for them as a developing country, the practises are now banned by the WTO for developing countries and as such wouldnt help smaller countries in the same situation Korean was in some 40 years ago. Over the last few years with the recession damaging world economies it has been quite hard to define between industrial policy and government bail outs. In the UK the government bailed out RBS as it knew that it would be fundamental in the progression in the countrys economy. But just because a government invests money into an organisation doesnt necessarily mean that the company is fundamental in the development of that countrys economy. Take France for example in 2008 at the beginning of the recession a British born French toy company began to slowly slip, the country bailed the toy company, these actions would normally be associated with an organisation that in fundamental to the growth of the country, but they chose this to safe guard the jobs of some of their citizens. With this in mind we are going to look at examples where industrial policy is more obvious and whether opposed to some educated beliefs industrial policy does exist in the UK. A good example of industrial policy in many countries just now is energy. All across the world the focus is slowly shifting towards renewable energy. Government s are paying incredible sums of money to develop new ways of harnessing renewable energy as they know in the long run it will be essential to maintain their economic growth. A country that is investing massively in renewable energy is China, (The Economist, 2010) stated that over the next 10 China would invest nearly a trillion yen which equate to about  £80 billion on nuclear power. This is done using a variety of state owned organisations i.e. banks and also through private organisations which are then government subsidised. The energy companies are paid massive amounts of money to work creating this new technology. As well as this the Chinese government also made it a rule that any foreign companies wishing to trade in that market must give in technological secrets to the local electricity companies. This economic policy is what has allowed the Chinese electricity market to grown so quickly and will allow the energy market to continue to grow at its current rate. With all this success in industrial policy in the Far East and in Europe some would presume that Industrial Policy is a good thing but there are also arguments against Industrial policy, the main one looks closely at the length of time it takes for the country to get any real benefit out of their investment. This point is summarised by Mr E GLAESER of (THE NEW YORK TIMES, 2011), who says New industries dont grow on trees. They require years of investment and development, an educated workforce and an international market for those services. Thats why the administration is pushing green energy in the stimulus, offering tax credits for renewable energy and solar power, pushing for expanded community college enrolment, and talking about an export-driven recovery. This sounds smart. But it is the sort of public policy labour whose fruits wont be apparent for years. This is all quite fitting however as America have a track record in not having a very good Industrial Policy and one that is also heavily focused in out dated dirty energy. How does industrial policy effect the UK? Industrial Policy has slowly disappeared over the last couple of decades in the UK, as privatisation crept in under the Conservative Government in the 1980s the companies that were state owned and that Industrial policies has originally protected became privately owned. Since 1995 the shift has been from Industrial Policy towards more Rural and Urban policy. This is where the government breaks the country down into its constituencies to try and target its investment towards areas that require it most. It encourages organisations to open up and begin trading in these areas creating jobs and training opportunities for people living in these areas often suffering from multiple levels of deprivation. Each area is looked at differently as no area is ever the same and where different forms of investment is required then that local council receives the money to try and combat this problem. Examples of how Rural or Regional Policy has improved the UK in the last 5 years can be seen in Glasgow with the Commonwealth Games. The Scottish Government has given a lot of to regenerate the east end of Glasgow, this regional policy has boosted employment in the area and will make the area a more viable business location with improvements to transport links and a facelift for the surroundings. (Community Care, 2010) emphasises that as well as a £20 million direct financial investment, the games will also created 1000 new jobs and also 1000 affordable homes in Glasgows east end.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Enlightenment and Emancipation :: essays research papers

Enlightenment and Emancipation Richard Wagner’s essays, â€Å"Judaism in Music† and â€Å"What is German† does not just cast aside the ideology of Jewish emancipation as stated by Christian Wilhelm von Dohm in â€Å"On the Civic Improvement of the Jews†. Instead, Richard Wagner’s essays outline the struggles with the legacy of the Enlightenment and lead him to promote theories of culture and regeneration that would rewrite those of prior Enlightenment visionaries, making those people of Jewish descent seen as humans before Jews. One of the more noticeable themes surrounding Jewish culture is perhaps their dealings with money. As a result of being forced out of the trades and regular channels of commerce during the 12th and 13th centuries, money lending became the main livelihood of the Jews in Germany in the 18th century. Dohm argued that "the true reasons for [the Jews'] shortcomings" could be traced to the "oppression from which [they] still suffer" and the restrictions and limitations placed upon them throughout their history. He proposed that better treatment would reform them and their customs and lead ultimately to their assimilation into the outside world. As stated in Dohm’s â€Å"On the Civic Improvement of the Jews,† Dohm expresses how even those Jews with sufficient amounts of money were not allowed to use any of it for self benefit. If a Jew was given permission to reside in a German state, his place of residence would be subject to a heavy tax to be repaid each year. Each child birthed to the Jew would increase the amount of his taxes. Many of the Jewish business dealings were marked with these unfair burdens. In â€Å"Judaism in Music,† Wagner explains that it makes no sense to talk about Jewish emancipation, while the Jews already rule them because money is a central power. Jews, in his mentality, are the very symbol of capitalism. â€Å"†¦[T]he Jew in truth is already more than emancipate: he rules, and will rule, so long as Money remains the power before which all our doings and our dealings lose their force.† I agree with Dohm in this aspect of his arguments. Enlightenment and Emancipation :: essays research papers Enlightenment and Emancipation Richard Wagner’s essays, â€Å"Judaism in Music† and â€Å"What is German† does not just cast aside the ideology of Jewish emancipation as stated by Christian Wilhelm von Dohm in â€Å"On the Civic Improvement of the Jews†. Instead, Richard Wagner’s essays outline the struggles with the legacy of the Enlightenment and lead him to promote theories of culture and regeneration that would rewrite those of prior Enlightenment visionaries, making those people of Jewish descent seen as humans before Jews. One of the more noticeable themes surrounding Jewish culture is perhaps their dealings with money. As a result of being forced out of the trades and regular channels of commerce during the 12th and 13th centuries, money lending became the main livelihood of the Jews in Germany in the 18th century. Dohm argued that "the true reasons for [the Jews'] shortcomings" could be traced to the "oppression from which [they] still suffer" and the restrictions and limitations placed upon them throughout their history. He proposed that better treatment would reform them and their customs and lead ultimately to their assimilation into the outside world. As stated in Dohm’s â€Å"On the Civic Improvement of the Jews,† Dohm expresses how even those Jews with sufficient amounts of money were not allowed to use any of it for self benefit. If a Jew was given permission to reside in a German state, his place of residence would be subject to a heavy tax to be repaid each year. Each child birthed to the Jew would increase the amount of his taxes. Many of the Jewish business dealings were marked with these unfair burdens. In â€Å"Judaism in Music,† Wagner explains that it makes no sense to talk about Jewish emancipation, while the Jews already rule them because money is a central power. Jews, in his mentality, are the very symbol of capitalism. â€Å"†¦[T]he Jew in truth is already more than emancipate: he rules, and will rule, so long as Money remains the power before which all our doings and our dealings lose their force.† I agree with Dohm in this aspect of his arguments.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Musical Analysis; Comparing ‘Tonight’ with ‘Maria’; West Side Story.

Comparing Tonight with Maria (Both from ‘West side story’) (Tonight also known as balcony scene – Tony and Maria sing together. Maria – sang by Tony. ) The piece ‘Tonight’ begins in B maj; it opens with Tony stating â€Å"the most beautiful sound I ever heard† this is sang in a very recitative style; mainly monotone (D) – rubato. This makes his words seem the prominent element – stressing the drama. The gentile bassoon plays a descending line – while the horn plays a simplified version ~ this ‘decent’ becomes a theme in Tony and Maria’s relationship. It also plunges Toney into a dream world. This opening line leads swiftly on to the theme of ‘Maria’. Throughout the song there are many variations on ‘Maria’ – however the first time (bar 28) a perfect 4th is used between the ‘Ma + ‘ri’; the ‘a’ is a dissonant – yet is warmed by the sound of the horn (emphasising the ri-a). The instrumentation is thin here- mainly heterophonic , working with the triplets which diminish the rhythm and increase the tension. In bar 4; the ‘a’ of Maria is resolved on to a D (rather than an E) – this is a descending min 3rd, however the oboe doesn’t resolve- this creates anticipation and leads the music on demonstrating that the song is to grow- reflecting Tony’s feelings for Maria- yet clashing slightly and creating an element of pain- foreshadowing the ‘later’ tragedy. From bar 8, on to bar 9; After the sequential transformation ‘up a tone’ in bar 8 the music changes again as if onto an ‘Aria’ section. It does so on the ‘Ma’ to the ‘ri’ – The ‘ri’ is sang on an A natural (appoggatura) –making a dim 5th. The instrumentation thickens here, timps and double bass are also added , the bass plays pizz, and its rhythm goes slightly Latin – similar to much of the dance music throughout the musical – and all this creates a colourful image in the listeners head – reflecting the image of Maria in Tony’s head. Bar 15; Instrumentation thickens here as the clarinets, Horns, and trumpets are added, as the music progresses, bar 17; the oboes are added. In bars 18 and 19 there are two descending lines linking and building up to the 6th variation of ‘Maria’; the flute is added in bar 19, and the trombones are added in bar 20. Full orchestration on the 6th variation of Maria; this variation of Maria is a descending phrase, as it moves down a tone each time: Also rhythmically augmented. Middle syllable is an appoggiatura. {draw:frame} The phrase continues to descend with â€Å"say it loud and there’s music playing†. There is also a diminuendo in bar 23 and the violins take on a more prominent role – this makes the music seem more romantic and soft, Bernstein has used word painting here as Tony describes Maria’s name as soft â€Å"almost like praying†, plus on the word ‘praying’ there’s a per5th. In bar 28, the 6th in-between the ‘ri +a’ _(like the 1st version of Maria, but last note turned upside down)_ becomes a countermelody, the theme is played in the contrabass; this constant repeat of ‘Maria’ demonstrates Tony’s worship for her. In bar 48, the theme is demonstrated in thicker texture again – it leads to an operatic recitative style line from Tony ppp (while the accompaniment is simply semibreves) far from the ‘Latin style dance atmosphere’ demonstrated previously. {draw:frame} Finally in Bar 51 there is one more variation of ‘Maria’ – reminiscent of the first version – but with a per5th (ma-ri), the ‘a’(G) is held for about the last two bars; underneath this, an Eb is held making the ‘a’ sound like a discord. This creates a certain pain about the last note – foreshadowing future events, suggesting that its all going to end with pain. The balcony scene also begins in Bmaj – and opens with a descending line, reminiscent of ‘Maria’ – linking the two songs and making the ‘descending line’ a theme in their relationship. In bar 3 the theme from Maria is echoed in the violins. This opening piece of music (1-29) is very important; it acts as an underscore – reminiscing previous songs, as it gently continues and goes through many temporary modulations. In Bar 30 the vocals begin; (Only Maria sings) the instrumentation is thin – with violins holding sustained notes creating a tense, hesitant yet romantic atmosphere. The descending line theme ‘augmented’ in the bass. The tempo is marked as andantino, little faster – as the tension increases. All this forces the vocal melody to be exposed, (making the soloistmore important) demonstrating their vulnerability and innocence. At bar 32 a contrabass is added, marked pizz, – this adds an amazing gently pulsating, heartbeat rhythmical effect – creating much excitement; reflecting their emoticons. draw:frame} The vocal melody is still very exposed and prominent as it rises above the accompaniment in broken chords. In bar 37 Tony sings alone, as he says â€Å"Maria† there is a perfect5th between the ‘Ma-ri’ like the actual song, ‘Maria’ – again linking the two songs. Maria then sings solo, for one bar only, she re peats his name twice – echoing his actions, this makes the duet seem more conversational – enhancing the drama. Bar 42; Allegretto – always a little faster, the heart beat rhythm is still present – retaining the excited and heightened emoticons.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


CONCLUSION Mayor Harla Branno had every reason for satisfaction. The state visit had not lasted long, but it had been thoroughly productive. She said, as though in deliberate attempt to avoid hubris, â€Å"We can't, of course, trust them completely.† She was watching the screen. The ships of the Fleet were, one by one, entering hyperspace and returning to their normal stations. There was no question but that Sayshell had been impressed by their presence, but they could not have failed to notice two things: one, that the ships had remained in Foundation space at all times; two, that once Branno had indicated they would leave, they were indeed leaving with celerity. On the other hand, Sayshell would not forget either that those ships could be recalled to the border at a day's notice – or less. It was a maneuver that had combined both a demonstration of power and a demonstration of goodwill. Kodell said, â€Å"Quite right, we can't trust them completely, but then no one in the Galaxy can be trusted completely and it is in the self-interest of Sayshell to observe the terms of the agreement. We have been generous.† Branno said, â€Å"A lot will depend on working out the details and I predict that will take months. The general brushstrokes can be accepted in a moment, but then come the shadings: just how we arrange for quarantine of imports and exports, how we weigh the value of their grain and cattle compared to ours, and so on.† â€Å"I know, but it will be done eventually and the credit will be yours, Mayor. It was a bold stroke and one, I admit, whose wisdom I doubted.† â€Å"Come, Liono. It was just a matter of the Foundation recognizing Sayshellian pride. They've retained a certain independence since early Imperial times. It's to be admired, actually.† â€Å"Yes, now that it will no longer inconvenience us.† â€Å"Exactly, so it was only necessary to bend our own pride to the point of making some sort of gesture to theirs. I admit it took an effort to decide that I, as Mayor of a Galaxy-straddling Federation, should condescend to visit a provincial star-grouping, but once the decision was made it didn't hurt too much. And it pleased them. We had to gamble that they would agree to the visit once we moved our ships to the border, but it meant being humble and smiling very broadly.† Kodell nodded. â€Å"We abandoned the appearance of power to preserve the essence of it.† â€Å"Exactly. – Who first said that?† â€Å"I believe it was in one of Eriden's plays, but I'm not sure. We can ask one of our literary lights back home.† â€Å"If I remember. We must speed the return visit of Sayshellians to Terminus and see to it that they are given the full treatment as equals. And I'm afraid, Liono, you will have to organize tight security for them. There is bound to be some indignation among our hotheads and it would not be wise to subject them to even slight and transient humiliation through protest demonstrations.† â€Å"Absolutely,† said Kodell. â€Å"It was a clever stroke, by the way, sending out Trevize.† â€Å"My lightning rod? He worked better than I thought he would, to be honest. He blundered his way into Sayshell and drew their lightning in the form of protests with a speed I could not have believed. Space! What an excellent excuse that made for my visit – concern lest a Foundation national in any way disturbed then and gratitude for their forbearance.† â€Å"Shrewd! – You don't think it would have been better, though, to have brought Trevize back with us?† â€Å"No. On the whole, I prefer him anywhere but at home. He would be a disturbing factor on Terminus. His nonsense about the Second Foundation served as the perfect excuse for sending him out and, of course, we counted on Pelorat to lead him to Sayshell, but I don't want him back, continuing to spread the nonsense. We can never tell what that might lead to.† Kodell chuckled. â€Å"I doubt that we can ever find anyone more gullible than an intellectual academic. I wonder how much Pelorat would have swallowed if we had encouraged him.† â€Å"Belief in the literal existence of the mythical Sayshellian Gaia was quite enough – but forget it. We will have to face the Council when we return and we will need their votes for the Sayshellian treaty. Fortunately we have Trevize's statement – voiceprint and all – to the effect that he left Terminus voluntarily. I will offer official regrets as to Trevize's brief arrest and that will satisfy the Council.† â€Å"I can rely on you for the soft soap, Mayor,† said Kodell dryly. â€Å"Have you considered, though, that Trevize may continue to search for the Second Foundation?† â€Å"Let him,† said Branno, shrugging, â€Å"as long as he doesn't do it on Terminus. It will keep him busy and get him nowhere. The Second Foundation's continued existence is our myth of the century, as Gaia is Sayshell's myth.† She leaned back and looked positively genial. â€Å"And now we have Sayshell in our grip – and by the time they see that, it will be too late for them to break the grip. So the Foundation's growth continues and will continue, smoothly and regularly.† â€Å"And the credit will be entirely yours, Mayor.† â€Å"That has not escaped my notice,† said Branno, and their ship slipped into hyperspace and reappeared in the neighborhood space of Terminus. Speaker Stor Gendibal, on his own ship again, had every reason for satisfaction. The encounter with the First Foundation had not lasted long, but it had been thoroughly productive. He had sent back his message of carefully muted triumph. It was only necessary – for the moment – to let the First Speaker know that all had gone well (as, indeed, he might guess from the fact that the general force of the Second Foundation had never had to be used after all). The details could come later on. He would describe how a careful – and very minor – adjustment to Mayor Branno's mind had turned her thoughts from imperialistic grandiosity to the practicality of commercial treaty; how a careful and rather long-distance – adjustment of the leader of the Sayshell Union had led to an invitation to the Mayor of a parley and how, thereafter, a rapprochement had been reached with no further adjustments at all with Compor returning to Terminus on his own ship, to see that the agreement would be kept. It had been, Gendibal thought complacently, almost a storybook example of large results brought about by minutely crafted mentalics. It would, he was sure, squash Speaker Delarmi flat and bring about his own elevation to First Speaker very soon after the presentation of the details at a formal meeting of the Table. And he did not deny to himself the importance of Sum Novi's presence, though that would not need to be stressed to the Speakers generally. Not only had she been essential to his victory, but she gave him the excuse he now needed for indulging his childish (and very human, for even Speakers are very human) need to exult before what he knew to be a guaranteed admiration. She did not understand anything that had happened, he knew, but she was aware that he had arranged matters to his liking and she was bursting with pride over that. He caressed the smoothness of her mind and felt the warmth of that pride. He said, â€Å"I could not have done it without you, Novi. It was because of you I could tell that the First Foundation – the people on the large ship†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes, Master, I know whom you mean.† â€Å"I could tell, because of you, that they had a shield, together with weak powers of the mind. From the effect on your mind, I could tell, exactly, the characteristics of both. I could tell how most efficiently to penetrate the one and deflect the other.† Novi said tentatively, â€Å"I do not understand exactly what it is you say, Master, but I would have done much more to help, if I could.† â€Å"I know that, Novi. But what you did was enough. It is amazing how dangerous they might have been. But caught now, before either their shield or their field had been developed more strongly, they could be stopped. The Mayor goes back now, the shield and the field forgotten, satisfied over the fact that she has obtained a commercial treaty with Sayshell that will make it a working part of the Federation. I don't deny that there is much more to do to dismantle the work they have done on shield and field – it is something concerning which we have been remiss – but it will be done.† He brooded about the matter and went on in a lower voice, â€Å"We took far too much for granted with the First Foundation. We must place them under closer supervision. We must knit the Galaxy closer together somehow. We must make use of mentalics to build a closer co-operation of consciousness. That would fit the Plan. I'm convinced of that and I'll see to it.† Novi said anxiously, â€Å"Master?† Gendibal smiled suddenly. â€Å"I'm sorry. I'm talking to myself. – Novi, do you remember Rufirant?† â€Å"That bone-skulled farmer who attacked you? I should say I do.† â€Å"I'm convinced that First Foundation agents, armed with personal shields, arranged that, together with all the other anomalies that have plagued us. Imagine being blind to a thing like that. But then, I was bemused into overlooking the First Foundation altogether by this myth of a mysterious world, this Sayshellian superstition concerning Gaia. There, too, your mind came in handy. It helped me determine that the source of that mentalic field was the warship and nothing else.† He rubbed his hands. Novi said timidly, â€Å"Master?† â€Å"Yes, Novi?† â€Å"Will you not be rewarded for what you have done?† â€Å"Indeed I will. Shandess will retire and I will be First Speaker. Then will come my chance to make us an active factor in revolutionizing the Galaxy.† â€Å"First Speaker?† â€Å"Yes, Novi. I will be the most important and the most powerful scholar of them all.† â€Å"The most important?† She looked woebegone. â€Å"Why do you make a face, Novi? Don't you want me to be rewarded?† â€Å"Yes, Master, I do. – But if you are the most important scholar of them all, you will not want a Hamishwoman near you. It would not be fitting.† â€Å"Won't I, though? Who will stop me?† He felt a gush of affection for her. â€Å"Novi, you'll stay with me wherever I go and whatever I am. Do you think I would risk dealing with some of the wolves we occasionally have at the Table without your mind always there to tell me, even before they know themselves, what their emotions might be – your own innocent, absolutely smooth mind. Besides†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He seemed startled by a sudden revelation, â€Å"Even aside from that, I – I like having you with me and I intend having you with me. – That is, if you are willing.† â€Å"Oh, Master,† whispered Novi and, as his arm moved around her waist, her head sank to his shoulder. Deep within, where the enveloping mind of Novi could scarcely be aware of it, the essence of Gaia remained and guided events, but it was that impenetrable mask that made the continuance of the great task possible. And that mask – the one that belonged to a Hamishwoman – was completely happy. It was so happy that Novi was almost reconciled for the distance she was from herself/them/all, and she was content to be, for the indefinite future, what she seemed to be. Pelorat rubbed his hands and said, with carefully controlled enthusiasm, â€Å"How glad I am to be back on Gaia.† â€Å"Umm,† said Trevize abstractedly. â€Å"You know what Bliss has told me? The Mayor is going back to Terminus with a commercial treaty with Sayshell. The Speaker from the Second Foundation is going back to Trantor convinced that he has arranged it – and that woman, Novi, is going with him to see to it that the changes that will bring about Galaxia are initiated. And neither Foundation is in the least aware that Gaia exists. It's absolutely amazing.† â€Å"I know,† said Trevize. â€Å"I was told all this, too. But we know that Gaia exists and we can talk.† â€Å"Bliss doesn't think so. She says no one would believe us, and we would know that. Besides, I, for one, have no intention of ever leaving Gaia.† Trevize was pulled out of his inner musing. He looked up and said, â€Å"What?† â€Å"I'm going to stay here. – You know, I can't believe it. Just weeks ago, I was living a lonely life on Terminus, the same life I had lived for decades, immersed in my records and my thoughts and never dreaming anything but that I would go to my death, whenever it might be, still immersed in my records and my thoughts and still living my lonely life – contentedly vegetating. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, I became a Galactic traveler; I was involved with a Galactic crisis; and – do not laugh, Golan – I have found Bliss.† â€Å"I'm not laughing, Janov,† said Trevize, â€Å"but are you sure you know what you're doing?† â€Å"Oh yes. This matter of Earth is no longer important to me. The fact that it was the only world with a diverse ecology and with intelligent life has been adequately explained. The Eternals, you know.† â€Å"Yes, I know. And you're going to stay on Gaia?† â€Å"Absolutely. Earth is the past and I'm tired of the past. Gaia is the future.† â€Å"You're not part of Gaia, Janov. Or do you think you can become part of it?† â€Å"Bliss says that I can become somewhat a part of it – intellectually if not biologically. She'll help, of course.† â€Å"But since she is part of it, how can you two find a common life, a common point of view, a common interest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They were in the open and Trevize looked gravely at the quiet, fruitful island, and beyond it the sea, and on the horizon, purpled by distance, another island – all of it peaceful, civilized, alive, and a unit. He said, â€Å"Janov, she is a world; you are a tiny individual. What if she gets tired of you? She is young†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Golan, I've thought of that. I've thought of nothing but that for days. I expect her to grow tired of me; I'm no romantic idiot. But whatever she gives me till then will be enough. She has already given me enough. I have received more from her than I dreamed existed in life. If I saw her no more from this moment on, I have ended the winner.† â€Å"I don't believe it,† said Trevize gently. â€Å"I think you are a romantic idiot and, mind you, I wouldn't want you any other way. Janov, we haven't known each other for long, but we've been together every moment for weeks and – I'm sorry if it sounds silly – I like you a great deal.† â€Å"And I, you, Golan,† said Pelorat. â€Å"And I don't want you hurt. I must talk to Bliss.† â€Å"No no. Please don't. You'll lecture her.† â€Å"I won't lecture her. It's not entirely to do with you – and I want to talk to her privately. Please, Janov, I don't want to do it behind your back, so grant me your willingness to have me talk to her and get a few things straight. If I am satisfied, I will give you my heartiest congratulations and goodwill – and I will forever hold my peace, whatever happens.† Pelorat shook his head. â€Å"You'll ruin things.† â€Å"I promise I won't I beg you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Well, But do be careful, my dear fellow, won't you?† â€Å"You have my solemn word.† Bliss said, â€Å"Pel says you want to see me.† Trevize said, â€Å"Yes.† They were indoors, in the small apartment allotted to him. She sat down gracefully, crossed her legs, and looked up at him shrewdly, her beautiful brown eyes luminous and her long, dark hair glistening. She said, â€Å"You disapprove of me, don't you? You have disapproved of me from the start.† Trevize remained standing. He said, â€Å"You are aware of minds and of their contents. You know what I think of you and why.† Slowly Bliss shook her head. â€Å"Your mind is out of bounds to Gaia. You know that. Your decision was needed and it had to be the decision of a clear and untouched mind. When your ship was first taken, I placed you and Pel within a soothing field, but that was essential. You would have been damaged – and perhaps rendered useless for a crucial time – by panic or rage. And that was all. I could never go beyond that and I haven't – so I don't know what you're thinking.† Trevize said, â€Å"The decision I had to make has been made. I decided in favor of Gaia and Galaxia. Why, then, all this talk of a clear and untouched mind? You have what you want and you can do with me now as you wish.† â€Å"Not at all, Trev. There are other decisions that may be needed in the future. You remain what you are and, while you are alive, you are a rare natural resource of the Galaxy. Undoubtedly there are others like you in the Galaxy and others like you will appear in the future, but for now we know of you – and only you. We still cannot touch you.† Trevize considered. â€Å"You are Gaia and I don't want to talk to Gaia. I want to talk to you as an individual, if that has any meaning at all.† â€Å"It has meaning. We are far from existing in a common melt. I can block off Gaia for a period of time.† â€Å"Yes,† said Trevize. â€Å"I think you can. Have you now done so?† â€Å"I have now done so.† â€Å"Then, first, let me tell you that you have played games. You did not enter my mind to influence my decision, perhaps, but you certainly entered Janov's mind to do so, didn't you?† â€Å"Do you think I did?† â€Å"I think you did. At the crucial moment, Pelorat reminded me of his own vision of the Galaxy as alive and the thought drove me on to make my decision at that moment. The thought may have been his, but yours was the mind that triggered it, was it not?† Bliss said, â€Å"The thought was in his mind, but there were many thoughts there. I smoothed the path before that reminiscence of his about the living Galaxy – and not before any other thought of his. That particular thought, therefore, slipped easily out of his consciousness and into words. Mind you, I did not create the thought. It was there.† â€Å"Nevertheless, that amounted to an indirect tampering with the perfect independence of my decision, did it not?† â€Å"Gaia felt it necessary.† â€Å"Did it? – Well, it may make you feel better – or nobler – to know that although Janov's remark persuaded me to make the decision at that moment, it was the decision I think I would have made even if he had said nothing or if he had tried to argue me into a decision of a different kind. I want you to know that.† â€Å"I am relieved,† said Bliss coolly. â€Å"Is that what you wanted to tell me when you asked to see me?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"What else is there?† Now Trevize sat down in a chair he had drawn opposite her so that their knees nearly touched. He leaned toward her. â€Å"When we approached Gaia, it was you on the space station. It was you who trapped us; you who came out to get us; you who have remained with us ever since – except for the meal with Dom, which you did not share with us. In particular, it was you on the Far Star with us, when the decision was made. Always you.† â€Å"I am Gaia.† â€Å"That does not explain it. A rabbit is Gaia. A pebble is Gaia. Everything on the planet is Gaia, but they are not all equally Gaia. Some are more equal than others. Why you?† â€Å"Why do you think?† Trevize made the plunge. He said, â€Å"Because I don't think you're Gaia. I think you're more than Gaia.† Bliss made a derisive sound with her lips. Trevize kept to his course. â€Å"At the time I was making the decision, the woman with the Speaker†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"He called her Novi.† â€Å"This Novi, then, said that Gaia was set on its course by the robots that no longer exist and that Gaia was taught to follow a version of the Three Laws of Robotics.† â€Å"That is quite true.† â€Å"And the robots no longer exist?† â€Å"So Novi said.† â€Å"So Novi did not say. I remember her exact words. She said: ‘Gaia was formed thousands of years ago with the help of robots that once, for a brief time, served The human species and now serve them no more.† â€Å"Well, Trev, doesn't that mean they exist no more?† â€Å"No, it means they serve no more. Might they not rule instead?† â€Å"Ridiculous!† â€Å"Or supervise? Why were you there at the time of the decision? You did not seem to be essential. It was Novi who conducted matters and she was Gaia. What need of you? Unless†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Well? Unless?† â€Å"Unless you are the supervisor whose role it is to make certain that Gaia does not forget the Three Laws. Unless you are a robot, so cleverly made that you cannot be told from a human being.† â€Å"If I cannot be told from a human being, how is it you think that you can tell?† asked Bliss with a trace of sarcasm. Trevize sat back. â€Å"Do you not all assure me I have the faculty of being sure; of making decisions, seeing solutions, drawing correct conclusions. I don't claim this; it is what you say of me. Well, from the moment I saw you I felt uneasy. There was something wrong with you. I am certainly as susceptible to feminine allure as Pelorat is – more so, I should think – and you are an attractive woman in appearance. Yet not for one moment did I feel the slightest attraction.† â€Å"You devastate me.† Trevize ignored that. He said, â€Å"When you first appeared on our ship, Janov and I had been discussing the possibility of a nonhuman civilization on Gaia, and when Janov saw you, he asked, in his innocence, ‘Are you human?' Perhaps a robot must answer the truth, but I suppose it can be evasive. You merely said, ‘Don't I look human?' Yes, you look human, Bliss, but let me ask you again. Are you human?† Bliss said nothing and Trevize continued. â€Å"I think that even at that first moment, I felt you were not a woman. You are a robot and I could somehow tell. And because of my feeling, all the events that followed had meaning for me – particularly your absence from the dinner.† Bliss said, â€Å"Do you think I cannot eat, Trev? Have you forgotten I nibbled a shrimp dish on your ship? I assure you that I am able to eat and perform any of the other biological functions. – Including, before you ask, sex. And yet that in itself, I might as well tell you, does not prove that I am not a robot. Robots had reached the pitch of perfection, even thousands of years ago, where only by their brains were they distinguishable from human beings, and then only by those able to handle mentalic fields. Speaker Gendibal might have been able to tell whether I were robot or human, if he had bothered even once to consider me. Of course, he did not.† â€Å"Yet, though I am without mentalics, I am nevertheless convinced you are a robot† Bliss said, â€Å"But what if I am? I admit nothing, but I am curious. What if I am?† â€Å"You have no need to admit anything. I know you are a robot If I needed a last bit of evidence, it was your calm assurance that you could block off Gaia and speak to me as an individual. I don't think you could do that if you were part of Gaia – but you are not You are a robot supervisor and, therefore, outside of Gaia. I wonder, come to think of it, how many robot supervisors Gaia requires and possesses?† â€Å"I repeat: I admit nothing, but I am curious. What if I am a robot?† â€Å"In that case, what I want to know is: What do you want of Janov Pelorat? He is my friend and he is, in some ways, a child. He thinks he loves you; he thinks he wants only what you are willing to give and that you have already given him enough. He doesn't know – and cannot conceive – the pain of the loss of love or, for that matter, the peculiar pain of knowing that you are not human†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Do you know the pain of lost love?† â€Å"I have had my moments. I have not led the sheltered life of Janov. I have not had my life consumed and anesthetized by an intellectual pursuit that swallowed up everything else, even wife and child. He has. Now suddenly, he gives it all up for you. I do not want him hurt. I will not have him hurt. If I have served Gaia, I deserve a reward – and my reward is your assurance that Janov Pelorat's well-being will be preserved.† â€Å"Shall I pretend I am a robot and answer you?† Trevize said, â€Å"Yes. And right now.† â€Å"Very well, then. Suppose I am a robot, Trev, and suppose I am in a position of supervision. Suppose there are a few, a very few, who have a similar role to myself and suppose we rarely meet. Suppose that our driving force is the need to care for human beings and suppose there are no true humans beings on Gaia, because all are part of an overall planetary being. â€Å"Suppose that it fulfills us to care for Gaia – but not entirely. Suppose there is something primitive in us that longs for a human being in the sense that existed when robots were first formed and designed. Don't mistake me; I do not claim to be age-old (assuming I am a robot). I am as old as I told you I was or, at least, (assuming I am a robot) that has been the term of my existence. Still, (assuming I am a robot) my fundamental design would be as it always was and I would long to care for a true human being. â€Å"Pel is a human being. He is not part of Gaia. He is too old to ever become a true part of Gaia. He wants to stay on Gaia with me, for he does not have the feelings about me that you have. He does not think that I am a robot. Well, I want him, too. If you assume that I am a robot, you see that I would. I am capable of all human reactions and I would love him. If you were to insist I was a robot, you might not consider me capable of love in some mystic human sense, but you would not be able to distinguish my reactions from that which you would call love – so what difference would it make?† She stopped and looked at him – intransigently proud. Trevize said, â€Å"You are telling me that you would not abandon him?† â€Å"If you assume that I am a robot, then you can see for yourself that by First Law I could never abandon him, unless he ordered me to do so and I were, in addition, convinced that he meant it and that I would be hurting him more by staying than by leaving.† â€Å"Would not a younger man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"What younger man? You are a younger man, but I do not conceive you as needing me in the same sense that Pel does, and, in fact, you do not want me, so that the First Law would prevent me from attempting to cling to you.† â€Å"Not me. Another younger man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"There is no other. Who is there on Gaia other than Pel and yourself that would qualify as human beings in the non-Gaian sense?† Trevize said, more softly, â€Å"And if you are not a robot?† â€Å"Make up your mind,† said Bliss. â€Å"I say, if you are not a robot?† â€Å"Then I say that, in that case, you have no right to say anything at all. It is for myself and for Pel to decide.† Trev said, â€Å"Then I return to my first point. I want my reward and that reward is that you will treat him well. I won't press the point of your identity. Simply assure me, as one intelligence to another, that you will treat him well.† And Bliss said softly, â€Å"I will treat him well – not as a reward to you, but because I wish to. It is my earnest desire. I will treat him well.† She called â€Å"Pel!† And again, â€Å"Pel!† Pelorat entered from outside, â€Å"Yes, Bliss.† Bliss held out her hand to him. â€Å"I think Trev wants to say something.† Pelorat took her hand and Trevize then took the doubled hand in his two. â€Å"Janov,† he said, â€Å"I am happy for both of you.† Pelorat said, â€Å"Oh, my dear fellow.† Trevize said, â€Å"I will probably be leaving Gaia. I go now to speak to Dom about that. I don't know when or if we will meet again, Janov, but, in any case, we did well together.† â€Å"We did well,† said Pelorat, smiling. â€Å"Good-bye, Bliss, and, in advance, thank you.† â€Å"Good-bye, Trev.† And Trevize, with a wave of his hand, left the house. Dom said, â€Å"You did well, Trev. – But then, you did as I thought you would.† They were once more sitting over a meal, as unsatisfactory as the first had been, but Trevize did not mind. He might not be eating on Gaia again. He said, â€Å"I did as I thought you would, but not, perhaps, for the reason you thought I would.† â€Å"Surely you were sure of the correctness of your decision.† â€Å"Yes, I was, but not because of any mystic grip I have on certainty. If I chose Galaxia, it was through ordinary reasoning – the sort of reasoning that anyone else might have used to come to a decision. Would you care to have me explain?† â€Å"I most certainly would, Trev.† Trevize said, â€Å"There were three things I might have done. I might have joined the First Foundation, or joined the Second Foundation, or joined Gaia. â€Å"If I had joined the First Foundation, Mayor Branno would have taken immediate action to establish domination over the Second Foundation and over Gaia. If I had joined the Second Foundation, Speaker Gendibal would have taken immediate action to establish domination over the First Foundation and over Gaia. In either case, what would have taken place would have been irreversible – and if either were the wrong solution, it would have been irreversibly catastrophic. â€Å"If I joined with Gaia, however, then the First Foundation and the Second Foundation would each have been left with the conviction of having won a relatively minor victory. All would then have continued as before, since the building of Galaxia, I had already been told, would take generations, even centuries. â€Å"Joining with Gaia was my way of temporizing, then, and of making sure that there would remain time to modify matters – or even reverse them – if my decision were wrong.† Dom raised his eyebrows. His old, almost cadaverous face remained otherwise expressionless. He said in his piping voice, â€Å"And is it your opinion that your decision may turn out wrong?† Trevize shrugged. â€Å"I don't think so, but there is one thing I must do in order that I might know. It is my intention to visit Earth, if I can find that world.† â€Å"We will certainly not stop you if you wish to leave us, Trev†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I do not fit on your world.† â€Å"No more than Pel does, yet you are as welcome to remain as he is. Still, we will not hold you. – But tell me, why do you wish to visit Earth?† Trevize said, â€Å"I rather think you understand.† â€Å"I do not.† â€Å"There is a piece of information you withheld from me, Dom. Perhaps you had your reasons, but I wish you had not.† Dom said, â€Å"I do not follow you.† â€Å"Look, Dom, in order to make my decision, I used my computer and for a brief moment I found myself in touch with the minds of those about me – Mayor Branno, Speaker Gendibal, Novi. I caught glimpses of a number of matters that, in isolation, meant little to me, as, for example, the various effects Gaia, through Novi, had produced on Trantor – effects that were intended to maneuver the Speaker into going to Gaia.† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"And one of those things was the clearing from Trantor's library of all references to Earth.† â€Å"The clearing of references to Earth?† â€Å"Exactly. So Earth must be important – and not only does it appear that the Second Foundation must know nothing about it, but that I must not, either. And if I am to take the responsibility for the direction of Galactic development, I do not willingly accept ignorance. Would you consider telling me why it was so important to keep knowledge of Earth hidden?† Dom said solemnly, â€Å"Trev, Gaia knows nothing about such clearance. Nothing!† â€Å"Are you telling me that Gaia is not responsible?† â€Å"It is not responsible.† Trevize thought for a while, the tip of his tongue moving slowly and meditatively over his lips. â€Å"Who was responsible, then?† â€Å"I don't know. I can see no purpose in it.† The two men stared at each other and then Dom said, â€Å"You are right. We had seemed to have reached a most satisfactory conclusion, but while this point remains unsettled, we dare not rest. – Stay a while with us and let us see what we can reason out. Then you can leave, with our full help.† â€Å"Thank you,† said Trevize. THE END